ASTM F2675 - Glove Testing
Glove testing to ASTM F2675, Standard Test Method for Determining Arc Ratings of Hand Protective Products Developed and Used for Electrical Arc Flash Protection, is performed to determine the Arc Rating (ATPV or EBT) of a glove. For rubber gloves, the probability of ignition is determined. Glove testing is complex and dependent upon the design of the glove. An arc rating is always assigned to the least protective portion of the glove that includes layers covering the entirety of the hand. As-sold gloves are also checked at the rating of the base model. In 2017, ArcWear released the glove testing memorandum provided below to explain the intricacies of glove testing while our techincal team works with ASTM Technical Committee to make updates. Our laboratory offers testing for work gloves that includes arc flash, cut protection, puncture resistance, abrasion resistance, and flame and oven testing.